Kerajaan BN, Najib Tun Razak pandai menggunakan masa, dengan mengistiharkan kenaikan harga barang selepas selesai sidang Parlimen, bagi mengelak diasak di Parlimen oleh ahli-ahli Parlimen, dan beliau juga bijak menggunakan tema dengan menaglih tajuk 'Subsidi Diselaras', tapi saya secara peribadi melihat beliau sedang melengkapkan kubur BN, sebab UMNO tak baca Agama, sebaliknya YAB Lim Guan Eng dan Presiden Ronald Reagen yang baca Islam.
Speech on Foreign Policy (December 16, 1988)
Ronald Wilson Reagan
On the economic front -- I got a degree in economics. I didn't deserve it, but I got it. [Laughter] But I took away -- I remembered something that happened several hundred years ago -- [laughter] -- and it was a man named ibn-Khaldun in Egypt. I didn't know they had economists then, but ibn-Khaldun said that at the beginning of the empire the tax rates were low and the revenue was great. At the end of the empire, the rates were great and the revenue was low.
So, I came away with the belief that you didn't gain revenue by raising taxes. And in fact, our whole national experience proves it. When Coolidge took to tax reductions, the revenue of the Government increased. And the same thing happened to a certain extent with President Kennedy's tax reduction, which was similar to ours.
Berikut adalah harga baru:

Petrol RON 95 - RM1.85 seliter.
Diesel - RM1.75 seliter.
Gula - RM1.70 sekilogram
Gas LPG - RM1.85 sekilogram
Berikut adalah harga baru gas:
Tong 14KG - dari RM24.50 kepada RM25.90 (naik RM1.40)
Tong 12KG - dari RM21.00 kepada
RM22.20 (naik RM1.20)
Tong 10KG - dari RM18.50 (naik RM1.00)
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